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We are now planning for our Spring leagues. New players are welcome. Call Dana for more information 847-890-9916. Also check the calendar for league days and times.

   Bocce, also known as Italian Lawn Bowling, is one of the most widely played games in the world and is one of the oldest lawn or yard games. Best known in Italy, where you may see a group of retired Sicilians gathered in a town square for an afternoon game, Bocce has been gaining popularity in the United States and other locations.


  The game is fun and easy to learn and can be played by a wide range of ages and physical abilities. It also can be played on a variety of surfaces from your backyard grass to professionally built lanes that are of official size. Surfaces vary from grass, artificial turf and clay or crushed granite.


   Please browse through this website and see if you would like to come out and join us.











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