Hot Springs Village Bocce Ball Club

The Hot Springs Village Bocce Club began in the mid 1990's with 30 plus members. We currently have 51 members and are growing rapidly. The construction of the Hot Springs Village facility for Bocce Ball broke ground early in the summer of 2019 and is nearing its stage 1 completion. The POA is currently working diligently on the condition of our lanes as our leagues play three days a week. A pavilion with a covered eating area with tables, storage rooms for both bocce and lawn bowling, power and running water is planned to start construction in 2020.
The HSV Bocce Club has a wide array of ages and physical abilities playing in our leagues. Currently there are two people over the age of 90 and there will be several more reaching that milestone in 2020. The new courts are easily accessible and one court has wheelchair access. Come out and learn to play the game on our "Social Sundays" or come watch the leagues in action on Tuesdays and Thursdays.